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Selectmen's Minutes December 02, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen

Present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens .

SUBJECT: Assessing Plan/Exemptions/Equalized Ratio    
PRESENT: David Hynes- DRA  

Mr. Hynes shared his recommendations for updating the exemption limits to bring them in line with the new values resulting from the revaluation.  He has reviewed the Equalized Ratio Study that Lisa just completed and the preliminary ratio computes to 100 %, showing the revaluation was done well.  Finally, discussion incurred of what direction to take to keep the data clean.   The Board thanked Mr. Hynes for his time and will take all his recommendations under advisement.  

The seven (7) pm appointment was canceled at the request of the homeowner.

SUBJECT: Davis Road     
PRESENT: Mr. & Mrs. William Stevens, Mr. David Noyes, Mr. & Mrs. George Blackman and Mr. Ian Blackman   

Mr. Stevens wishes to make improvements to Davis Road.  The Selectmen have told Mr. Stevens before any work can be done, he must prove that the existing Davis Road goes to his property.  Mr. Stevens hired Mr. Noyes, a licensed surveyor, to survey his parcel and to do deed research as well.  Mr. Noyes presented the Board with his recorded survey and copies of the original layout of Davis Road (found in the Chichester Town Clerk records). He wrote up a simplified version of the original layout for all to review.  Mr. Noyes pointed out that line number #5 is most important.  It states that Davis Road also crosses George Sargents’ land to John Davis’s barn.  There is evidence of the barn foundation on Mr. Stevens’ property.  Mr. Noyes also shared another plan (for Darby) that was done on Davis Road.  This aided in determining corresponding measurements to Mr. Steven’s lot.  The length measurements, of Davis Road, from the original layout do not take the road to the boundary of the Stevens/Darby lot, but there is no question in Mr. Noyes’s mind as to where the Davis’s house and barn were and that the language in the original road layout stating “also crosses George Sargent’s land to the Davis’s barn”, clearly shows Davis Road goes to Mr. Stevens’ property.   

 Selectman Arey asked if it made a difference that, the Darby Plan was not showing a recording stamp.  Mr. Noyes responded by saying that a surveyor is required to find un-recorded plans just as he is recorded plans.  Mr. Noyes explained what evidence he had dug up on the foundation of the barn and offered to show the Selectmen if they so desired.  Mr. Stevens stated he had done what the Board asked.  The Board would like to look over all the documents before rendering their decision.  

Mr. Ian Blackman expressed his concern for future development on the Darby parcel.  Should Mr. Darby subdivided his property, potentially thirty (30) house lots, the traffic flow would empty onto Blackman Road which is a designated scenic road.  Davis Road is not wide enough for the Planning Board to approve a subdivision.

Mr. George Blackman asked the Board to be sensitive to the pressure of the Real Estate Developers and look to the amenities Chichester has because of all its open space.  


Lisa has received six (6) proposals for IT Support.  She would like to a couple former software committee members to review them as well as herself and the Board. Approval was given for this. The Board is in favor of budgeting this item for next year.  The investment into the computer software/hardware system now running is extensive and it is our responsibility to maintain it accordingly.

The hazardous materials invoice will be held until a settlement is determined on the Flanders property. There are no plans of this in the immediate future.

The Board reviewed correspondence from Mr. Wolf regarding the junkyard/salvage yard on the Robinson property.  They directed Lisa to forward the current use application and supporting documentation to Avitar for immediate review and they will take the junkyard issue under advisement.  Lisa will respond to Mr. Wolf and forward copies of all correspondence to Mr. Robinson. The Selectmen do not need to meet with Mr. Wolf at this time.  

The Board reviewed the assessing proposal for next year.  Several options were given as to general assessing; general assessing and twenty (20) percent parcel review, or a complete five-year plan.  The Board did not wish to enter into any long-range plan without first putting out Requests for Proposals from other companies.   Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Chairman Colbert to stay with general assessing only from Avitar Associates of N.E., Inc., for a cost of Eight thousand dollars ($8000.00)

Mail and e-mail was reviewed.  Bills and payroll were signed.

The minutes of November 25, 2003 were approved as written.

In house corrections were made on Map 7, Lot 16, Gagne. An Administrative Abatement was approved for the second issue tax bill.

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Correspondence from an employee was reviewed and discussed. Chairman Colbert will address the employee in the morning.

Upcoming meeting schedules were reviewed. Next week is the scheduled Public Hearings for grant money from Emergency Management and upgrading Lovers Lane. The next meeting with the budget committee is December 16th.

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman David Colbert
Approved as corrected                                           
Richard DeBold

Harold Arey                                                     

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